Our Causes

Poverty and Homelessness

12% of Australians live in poverty. Of that 12% one quarter are children. There are many reasons that force people into poverty and it is poverty that causes homelessness. At Cause Cups we are passionate about helping charities work with business, government and communities to provide people who are in poverty with increased opportunities through employment, education, training and social inclusion.


Climate change, and introduced plants and animals (invasives), are the agents of the radical changes that are tearing through Australia's environment. The result? Dramatic declines in the distribution and abundance of many species, with natural resources such as water now going scarce. Cause Cups are passionate about helping charities tackle a range of issues including Deforestation, Agriculture clearing and overgrazing, Overfishing and illegal fishing, Introduction of exotic species, Pollution and Infrastructure development.

Animal welfare

At Cause Cups we care deeply about all animals and want to see them protected from harm. We are passionate about helping charities improve the lives of millions of animals across Australia, and to help put an end to the harmful treatment and tell the powers that be that animals and their welfare matter.